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Many of you have asked how you can support our Youtube channel, Chosen Kids. If the Lord has put it on your heart to give, here is a way you can help support the vision of Chosen Kids.

Your support will help us gather the right tools to create our videos and further the gospel. We hope to make this ministry a source of income for our family, so we can have more time to create videos more frequently. We know the Lord has bigger plans for this channel than we know or can imagine, and we believe God will provide no matter what! We do not expect anyone to give, and it does not affect whether or not we will continue to make videos.

We are very grateful for those who have felt in their heart to give and help equip us financially to provide the tools and resources necessary to grow and further this channel! We love this community and are grateful for each and every one of you. Thank you for your generosity!

Support Our Ministry


    Every month
    Your support means the world to us! We are grateful for your reoccurring support of $10 a month

If you'd like to support our channel with a one time donation, here is an option through PayPal

Thank you!


Instagram: @chosenkidshow
Youtube: @chosenkids
Facebook: @chosenkids


Watch us on Youtube!


Chosen Kids on Youtube

& Chosen Ministries for our podcast


Chosen Kids created in 2023


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